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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 204   View pdf image
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204 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

W H &L

vessell such goods and Comodityes and give and signe true
and Just Bills of Loadeing for the same and Carry & convey
the same vnto and deliver the same att such port or place vnto
which such ship or vessell shall be bound or intended to be
bound when the same shall depart from this Province the dan-
ger of the seas onely Excepted) soe as such goodes and Como-
dityes soe desired or intended to be shipped doe not Exceed
the quantity of one Tunn for every Thirty Tunns of which
such ship or vessell shall be or shall be Reputed to be of Bur-
then And soe as the person or persons who shall make such
Request or Tender doe att the time of such Request or Ten-
der to be made agree to pay and allow such reasonable and
Proporconable Consideracon and allowance by the Tunn for the
fraight Carriage and Transportacon of such goods and Como-
dityes as is or shall be vsually payd or allowed or agreed to be
paid or allowed by other persons for the ffraight Carryage or
Transportacon of goods and Comodityes of the like nature or
quality from this Prouince unto the place or places for which such
ship or vessell shall be then bound or intended to be bound
And likewise that every such master Captain & Comander
who shall from and after the said twenty Ninth day of Septem-
ber which shall be in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six
hundred Sixty Nyne Sayle or Neglect to give such notice or to
ship fraight take on board Loade stowe and Transport such

p. 39

goods and Comodityes of his said Lordship his heires or
assignes Lord and Proprietary Lords and Proprietaryes of this
Prouince or such his or their Gouernour or Gouernours of this
Prouince for the time being or shall refuse to give such bills of
Ladeing as aforesaid according to the true intent & meaning
of this present act shall for every such offence forfeite the
Sume of tenn pounds starling for every Tunn soe Refused to
the Lord and Proprietary or Lords and Proprietaryes of this Pro-
uince to be Recovered in the Provinciall Court of this Province
and that vntill the said forfeiture shall be Recovered and satis-
fyed itt shall and may be Lawfull to and for his said Lord-
ship his heires and assignes Lord and Proprietary or Lords and
Proprietaryes or Lords and Proprietaryes of this Province or his
or their Governour or Gouernours of this Province for the
time being to seize or deteyne such ship or vessell of which
such master Captain or Comander shall be master Captain or
Comander with all her Gunns Tackle furniture or apparell
whatsoever this Act to Endure for three yeares or to the End
of the next Generall Assembly which shall first happen —

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 204   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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