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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 205   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 205

To the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore

The humble Peticon of Garrett Vansweringen Barbarh
DeBarrette wife of the said Garrett Elizabeth
Vansweringen and Zacharias Vansweringen Children
of the said Garrett and Barbarah, Isaack DeBarette
Robert Roelands Jean Jourdaine John Vanheock
Charles Dele Roche and Peter Johnson all Resydents
and Inhabitants of this Province.

Humbly Sheweth vnto your Lordship that your Petitioner
Garret Vanswaringen was born in Reensterdwan in Holland
vnder the Dominion of the states Generall of the vnited Pro-
uinces Barbarah DeBarette in Valenchene in the Low Countryes
Belonging to the King of Spayne Elizabeth Vanswaringen in
Newamstell in Delaware Bay then vnder the Government of the
said States Generall Zacharias Vanswaringen there alsoe Isaac
DeBarrette att Harlem in Holland aforesaid Robert Roelands
in Brabant within the Dominions of the said States Generall
Jean Jourdain att Rouan in the kindome of ffrance John Van
heeck in the Collony of Virginia vnder the Dominion of his
Majesty of great Brittaine Charles Dele Roche within the
kingdom of ffrance and Peter Johnson in the kingdome of
Sweadland and your Peticoners being now Remoued into this
Province have for divers yeares therein Inhabitted being in-
vited to come and dwell within this Province by and vpon Con-
fidence of your Lordships declaracon of the second of Iuly one
thousand six hundred forty and Nyne whereby you did impower
your Gouernour from time to time to grant lands vnto any
persons of french Dutch Spanish Swedish or other forreign des-
cent in the same in as ample manner and vpon the same

W H &L

Tearmes & Provisoes as he was thereby Impowered to grant
Land to any person or persons of Brittish or Irish discent and
dureing their said abode within this Province Your Peticoners
haue beene alwayes faithfull and obedient vnto your Lordships
Lawes Yett for that your Peticoners are not of Brittish or Irish
discent they cannot take benefitt of the Lawes and Customes
of this Prouince as other the good people of this Prouince of
Brittish or Irish discent may To their great losse prejudice and
hinderance as alsoe to the deterring of divers others of the for-
reigne nations aforesaid by comeing into this Prouince and by
Consequence foreslowing the peopling of this Prouince with
vsefull artificers and Handicrafts men May itt therefore please
your Lordship of your abundant goodness and wonted care oi
and over this Province That itt may be ordained and Enacted
by your Lordship and be itt ordeined and Enacted by the
Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of this Province by and with

p. 40

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 205   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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