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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 203   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 203

clared Ordeined Enacted and Published And Bee itt declared
ordeined and Published by his Lordship the Lord and Proprie-
tary of this Province vnder his Lordships Scale by and with
the advice assent and approbacon of the Upper and lower
houses of Assembly this present Generall Assembly of the
freemen of this Province Assembled that from and after the
twenty Nynth day of September which shall be in the yeare of
our Lord God one thousand six hundred Sixty Nyne Every
master Captain or Comander of any ship or vessell from time
to time repayring or comeing into this Province or any part
thereof to the intent to Ship Loade or fraight any goods or
Comodityes within this Prouince or any the ports Hauens
Bayes Rivers Creeks or places thereto belonging for the trans-
porting of the same therein out of this Prouince shall within
five dayes after his or their Arriveall in this Province or before
his or their Breaking of Bulke or landing any goods Comodi-
tyes or Merchandizes within this Province or any the ports or
places thereto belonging give notice vnto the said Lord and
Proprietary his heires or assignes Lord and Proprietary or
Lords or Proprietaryes of this Province or their Gouernours of
this Prouince for the time being of such his or their Arriveall
and of the port or place where such Ship or Vessell shall soe
arrive Together with the name and Burthen of such Shipp or
vessell And the true Porte or Place Portes or places for which
the same be bound or shall be intended to be bound when the

W H &L

same shall depart from this Province And in case the said
Lord Proprietary his heires and Assignes Lord and Proprietary
or Lords and Proprietaryes of this Province or any other on his
or their behalfe or his or their Gouernour or Gouernours of
this Province for the time being or any on his or their behalfe
shall within Tenn dayes next after such arriveall intimate vnto
such master Captain or Comander his or their desire to ship
freight or Lade on board and within thirty dayes after such
arriveall offer or Tender to be Shipped fraighted or laden on
board in such Ship or vessell and in such porte or place where
such Ship or vessell shall be intend to be freighted or Laden
any Goods or Comodityes being the propper goods or Como-
dityes of the said Lord and Proprietary or such his heires or
assignes or of such his or their Gouernour or Gouernours to
the intent to have the same Transported out of this Prouince
into such Port or place Ports or places for which such Ship or
vessell shall be soe bound as shall be intended to be bound
That then in every such case every such master Captain or
Comander of every such ship or vessell shall upon Such desire or
Request Ship fraight or take on board and alsoe lade and
Stoe in some Dry and Convenient place of such Shipp or ves-
sell and not neere and next vnto the Ballast of such ship or

p. 38

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 203   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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