Trover Replevin accons of accompt accons of debt accon of
Trespass for Assault Menace Battery wounding or Imprison-
ment accons vpon the case for words be or shall be att the
tyme of any such Cause of Accon given or Accrued fallen or
come within the age of one and Twenty yeares feame Covert
non Compos mentis Imprisoned or beyond the seas that then
such person or persons shall be att Liberty to bring the same
accon soe as they tooke the same within such times as are
before Limitted after their Coming to or being of full age dis-
coverte of memory at large And Returned from beyond the
seas as other persons haveing noe such Impediment should
have done This Act to Endure for three yeares or to the end
of the next Generall Assembly which shall first happen —
An Act for the Provideing of Sufficient freight & Carriage
for the propper goods and Comodities of his Lordship the
Lord Proprietary of this Province and of the Gouernour of
this Province for the tyme being —
Whereas Severall masters Captains and Comanders of ships
resorting vnto this Province and vseing the Trade of this Pro-