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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 201   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 201

An Act for Limitacon of Certain Actions for avoyding
Suites at Lawe.

For the quietting of the Estates of the people of this Pro-
uince & for avoyding of Actions Bee itt Enacted by the Right
Honble the Lord Proprietary of this Province by and with the
advice and Consent of the Vpper and Lower house of this
present Generall Assembly And the Authority of the same that
all actions of Trespass quare Clausum fregit all actions of
Trespasse Detinue Sur trover and Replevin for takeing
away goods and Chatties all accons of accompt Contract
debt booke and upon the Case other then such accompts
as Concerne the Trade of Merchandize Between Marchant &
Marchant their factors and servants which are not Resident
within this Province all accons of debt for lending or Contract
without Specialty all accons of debt for Arrearages of Rent and
all accOns of Assault menace Battery wounding and Imprison-
ment or any of them which shall be sued or brought by any
person or persons within this Prouince att any time after the
End of this present Generall Assembly shall be Comenced and

W H &L

sued within the time & Limitacon hereafter Expressed and not
after (That is to say) The said accons of the Case (other then
for Slander) And the said accons for accompt And the said
Accons for Trespass debt detinue and Replevin for goods and
Chatties And the said Accons of Trespasse quare Clausum
fregit within two yeares after the end of this present Session
of Generall Assembly or within two yeares after the Cause
of such Accon and not after And the said Accons Uppon the
Case for woords and accOns of Trespasse of assault Battery
wounding imprisonment or any of them within one yeare next
after the End of this present Generall Assembly or within one
yeare after such Cause of accon and not after And Bee itt
further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that in all accons
upon the Case for Slanderous words to be sued or prosecuted
by any person or persons in any the Courts of Record of this
Province That hath Power to hold plea of the same after the
End of this present Assembly if the Jury vpon the tryall of the
issue in such Accon or the Iury that shall inquire of the
Damages doe find or assesse the damages vnder forty shillings
then the Plaintiffe or Plaintiffes in such AccOn shall have and
Recover onely soe much Cost as the damages given or assessed
amount vnto without any further Increase of the same any
Lawe Custome or vsage to the Contrary in any wise notwith-
Provided Never the Lesse And Bee itt Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid that if any person or persons that is or
shall be intituled to any such Accon of Trespass detinue Sur

p. 36

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 201   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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