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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 169   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 169

4 That these Privileged Attornys are of one the Grand Griev-
ances of the Country.
5 The Sherriffs taking away Merchants and other Inhabitants
Tobaccos upon Pretence of seisure for publick Debts
6 That Officers are Erected which do take Fees exceeding
& contrary to the Acts of Assembly
7 That vexatious Informers is another publick Grievance
This paper was Presented by the Speaker of the Lower
House to the Upper House at the Conference between both
Houses this 20th day of April 1669

The House adjourned till three of the Clock in the After-

At three of the Clock in the Afternoon The
House met again Present as before as also
Mr Trueman

Then was read the answere of Jno Morecroft to the Impeach-
ment preferred against him by Robert Morris whereupon It is
Ordered that the said Morris be called in

The Answer of John Morecroft to the papers de-
livered by the Lower House for a pretended Im-
peachmt of him the said Jn? Morecroft before the
honble Assembly, being by Robert Morris to the
Lower House presented as an Impeachmt agt the said
Jn? Morecroft

U. H.

All advantages of Exeption to the Insufficiency and Incer-
taintys in the said papers termed an Impeachmt to the sd Jno
Morecroft for ever saved the said John saith that the said Papers
and the Matters therein contained is not any ordinary and just
way of impeaching nor is it prosecuted to this honourable
House in such Form and manner it is usual in matters of this
kind to be observed & prosecuted, and that it is prosecuted
merely by the malice of the said Robert Morris Who is no
member of this Province but a Foreigner and Stranger though
he boldly makes use of the name of all the Commons of this
Province Where he cannot make it appear that he had ever
their Assents or Consent thereunto. Also he saith that the
matters in the said papers contained are principally examinable
before the Justices of the Provincial Court the said John being
an Attorny sworn there, and the whole matter charged in these
papers agt him is for matters pretended by him done in the
Course of his practice there which said Justices have the full &
sole power of hearing Correcting & punishing the misdea-
meanours (if any be) committed by their Ministers under them
upon complaint of any Person against them of any fault by

p. 140

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 169   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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