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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 170   View pdf image
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170 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.


them Committed, where the said Robert Morris (as the said
Jn? Morecroft humbly conceiveth) ought to make his Complaint,
and where the said Jno Morecroft is censurable and punishable,
nevertheless if this honble House think fit and do so require
that the said Jno Morecroft ought & must answere those rude
& indigested papers so preferred as an Impeachmt Then the
said Jno Morecroft for an Answer thereunto saith
That true It is that there is a Suit depending in the Provincial
Court between the said Jno Morecroft Plt and the said Robt
Morris Defendt for scandalous Words by the said Robert spoke
against the said Jno Morecroft which Words are alledged to be
spoke at the Lord Proprietary's House in Wild street in the
City of St Marys in the County of St Marys as he humbly con-
ceiveth it is lawful for him to do without any dishonour to our
Sovereign Lord the King, It being an usual Course in practice
so to do in like Cases to which the Def? if he pleases may
Demurr or after Verdict (if any be in it) move in Arrest of
Judgmt or bring his Writt of Error at his discretion
That the said Jn? Morecroft hath not exacted any Fees be-
yond the Laws and Customs of this Province for he saith that
before the Settlement of the Court & since all persons did &
were left to agree with their Attornys at what Rates they could
in which the sd Jno Morecroft hath done no more than what
was done & practiced by others both before & since his coming
into this Province
And further saith that it is a Prerogative invested absolutely
in the Lord Proprietary to appoint Constitute & settle Courts
of Judicature within this Province who accordingly did Consti-
tute the Provincial Court by the name of the Justices of the

p. 141

Provincial Court & did Constitute the honourable the Lieuten-
ant General chief Justice thereof by Virtue of which he did
appoint Attornys & other Officers of the said Court but by
reason that the said Fees due to the Attornys was settled by
Act of Assembly in the Secretary so that they could not settle
the Fees of the Attornys till that Act of Assembly was taken
out of the way which could not be till an Assembly could be
Called gave Liberty to the Attornys to proceed as they had
done formerly in taking such Fees as they and their Clients
should agree for And as to that of the Agreement in gross
with any person for a Year with such who desired the same It
is well known to this honourable House that it is a thing prac-
ticed in England and lawful to be practiced here being no Law
to prohibit the same And the said John Morecroft further saith
that he was Attorny for the said Tobias Wells in an Action of
Debt brought by him the said Tobias against Jno Wright &
Mary his Wife Adminrx of the Goods & Chattels of Barthol-
omew Glevin decd in which Cause Judgm? was obtain'd by

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 170   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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