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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 168   View pdf image
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168 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

U. H.

Monday 19th April

Present Charles Calvert Esqe Lieutenant General
Philip Calvert Esqe Jerome White
Baker Brooke Henry Coursey Esqe

The House Adjourned till after dinner

Monday in the Afternoon Present as before

Then came a Member from the Lower House and desired
to know of the Governour where he would be Pleased to ap-
point the Place & time to-morrow Morning to hold the Con-
ference between both houses
And the Governour returned Answer that he knew not of
any Room more convenient than this wherein the Upper House
now sitts, & for the time when, It was answered at the usual
time appointed for the meeting of this House being at nine of
the Clock in the morning

The House Adjourned till to morrow Morning
nine of the Clock

Tuesday the 20th April

Present The honoble Chars Calvert Esqe Philip Calvert Esqe
Baker Brooke Henry Coursey & Wm Calvert Esqes

p. 139

Then came Mr Jno Morecroft & put in his Answer to the
Impeachmt Preferred against him by Robt Morris Whereupon
It is ordered that the Business be heard after the Conference
between both Houses is determined
The Result of the Conference is that a Committee be ap-
pointed by both Houses of Members of both houses to Consider
of the real grievances of the Province & to Present them to both
houses to be by them approved of that both Houses may Peti-
tion his Lordship for redress

The publick Grievances &c

1. That there is no Person authorized by the Lord Proprietor
to Confirm our Laws
2 That it appears by the Body of Laws that the Lord Pro-
prietary did assent to these General Laws now disassented to
by the Lieutent General saying his Lordship doth will those to
be Laws, & so subscribed his name vide the Book of Laws &
therefore the same ought not to be dissassented to without the
Consent of this House
3 The raising of the last years Levys was agt the Lord Pro-
prietor's Charter the Laws of the Province & without the Con-
sent of the Freemen of this Province

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 168   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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