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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 167   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 167

The said Robert Morris doth in the name of the Commons
of this Province impeach the said John Morecroft of certain
Offences & Crimes concerning the publick which he is ready
to make good as follows The said Mr John Morecroft being one of the Attornys of
the Provincial Court in a declaration by him put into the sd Court
against the said Robert Morris, striving to make good that
the Jurisdiction of this Province extends to Wild Street in
Westminister terming it to the City of St Marys in St Mary's
County to the great dishonour of our Sovereign Lord the King,
thereby Endeavouring for his own Advantage to bring the
Subjects of the King for Words & Actions Committed there
lyable to Answer for the same in the Provincial Court as if
they were immediately under his Majesty's royal Authority —

U. H.


2dly The said Robert Morris doth further impeach him for
Exacting fees above & beyond the Laws & Customs of this
Province & that he is retayned as Attorny for some with un-
reasonable Fees, for a whole Year's space so that by that
means it Causes several Suits to the Utter Ruin of people
3d That the said John Morecroft did in a Cause depending
between Tobias Wells, & John Wright, Tobias Wells being
Plt & Wright Defendt procure a Judgment for the Plt in the
said Court & on the said Judgment sued out Execution &
after was retained by the Deft Wright & for him procured a
Replevin in the said Cause against the said Execution as may
appear by the Records to which he referrs
By which unjust dealings the good People of this Province
are daily abused by him the said Morecroft for which the said
Morris doth impeach him
Signed Ro: Morris
I7l.h April 1669
Rob: Carvile Clk.

1 7th April 1 669 The Lower house do send these Papers to
the Upper House & upon the whole matter do find the within
Mentioned Jno. Morecroft Gent impeachable and they do im-
peach him accordingly and do pray that he may be directed to
answer Signed by order of the House
Robt Carvile Clk.

Jno Morecroft being summoned in the Upper House It is
ordered that he have a Copy of the Papers put in against him
and that he have time given him till Tuesday Morning at nine
of the Clock to put in his Answer & that Morris & Emerson
do attend to testify in a Vote agt the said Morecroft

The House Adjourned till Monday Morning
Eight of the Clock

p. 138

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 167   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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