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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 164   View pdf image
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164 Assembly Proceedings, April- — May 1669.

U. H.

1200tobo & this Depont answered, that I will give You & there-
upon he took this Deponent's Bill
Signed by order of the house Rob? Carvile Cl.

Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryld. & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. To the
Sherriff of Kent County Greeting We Command You that You

p. 135

levy by way of Execution any the Goods Chattels or Debts
belonging to Bartholomew Glevin late of your County decd &
now in the possession of Mary his Adminrs to the value of
fourteen thousand three hundred & seventy five pounds of tobo
& Cask being a debt recovered of Jno Wright (who marryed
the Admrs at a Provincial held at St Marys the 11th day of this
Instant month of April by Tobias Wells of the said County of
Kent Gent, with three hundred pounds of Tobo more ordered
by our said Court for Costs allowed by the said Wells, as also
two hundred & sixty pounds of tobacco more for judicial
Charges expended by the said Wells in the sd Suit to the Clerk
of our said Court, which said Charges with the abovesd Costs
& principal Debt amount in the whole to the Sum of fourteen
thousd Eight hundred seventy seven pounds of Tobo in Cask,
which sd Sum so levyed as afsd the same deliver to the above-
said Tobias Wells or his Order & hereof You are not to fail as
You will answer the Contrary at your peril Witness our dear
Son Charles Calvert Esqr our Lieutent General & chief Justice
of our said Province of Maryland the 1 4th day of April in the
thirty sixth Year of our Dominion over our said Province of
Maryland Annoq Domini 1667
Dan: Jenifer

This Writ produced by Capt Morris against Mr Morecraft
Robt Carvile Clk

Caecilius Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. To the
Sherriff of Kent County Greeting Whereas John Wright
hath come before Us & hath found to Us sufficient Pledges of
prosecuting his Complaint against Toby Wells of your said
County Planter as well in a Plea of unjust taking & detaining
of his Goods to wit three Negroes to the Value of two hun-
dred pounds sterling contrary to & in Contempt of an Order
of our Justices of our Provincial Court held at S? Marys the
14th day of February in the 36th Year of our Dominion &c. as
also of the Return of the said Goods if Return thereof shall
by the Law be adjudged We therefore Command You that
without delay You deliver or cause to be delivered unto the
said Jno Wright his said three Negros so by him the said Toby
taken & detained as afsd & that You put the said Toby under

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 164   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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