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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 165   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 165

sufficient pledges that he be & personally appear before our
said Justices of our Provincial Court to be held at St Marys on
the 14th day of April next to answer unto the said John of a
plea of unjustly taking & witholding his said Goods And this
You are in no wise to neglect upon the penalty that may come
thereon And also that then & there make return of your Ex-
ecution of this Writt Witness Chars Calvert Esqr our Lieu-

U. H.

tenant General & chief Justice of our sd Province of Maryland
the 14th day of February in the 35th Yeare of our Dominion
over our said Province of Maryland Annoq Domini 1667
17 April 1669 Robt Carvile Clk.
True Copy
John Blomfield
Mr Wells
I and Mr Morecroft are by Mr Richard Fitzallen both Em-
ployed on your behalf by John Wright. & accordingly We
have proceeded as he will at large satisfy You he having payd
me the Sum of one thousand pounds of tobacco in your behalf
& Mr Morecroft the like, not else at present from your Friend
Daniel Jenifer
John Morecroft

This Paper produced by Mr Morris against Mr Morecroft
Robert Carvile Clk.

Maryland ss
Robert Morris late of Talbot County in the Province afsaid
Mariner by a Writt of Privilege issuing out of this Court was
attached to answer unto Jno Morecroft one of the Attornys
&c. in a Plea of Trespass upon the Case, and Whereupon the
said John in his proper Person saith That Whereas the said
John hath been & is a faithful Liegeman of our Sovereign
Lord the King that now is, & also hath been & is a faithful
Man to the Lord Proprietor of this Province & so hath honestly
& truly behaved & demeaned himself to all his neighbours &
of all other the good People of this Province, hitherto hath
been so noted & Respected without any suspicion of Fraud
Deceit falsity or Corruption or any hurtful Crime hath lived &
Continued unblemished and untouched, And Whereas the said
John the space of three Years now last past was & is one of
the Attornys of the Provincial Court of this Province & by all
that time diverse Businesses Suits & Causes for his Clients in
the said Court prosecuting & defending, justly & faithfully hath
prosecuted & defended, & by reason such his faithful prosecu-
tion of the Businesses Suits & Causes afd diverse fees Gains &
Proffits justly & honestly acquired, Notwithstanding the sd
Robert not being ignorant of the Premisses maliciously intend-
ing the good Name Fame & Reputation of him the sd John

p. 136

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 165   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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