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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 163   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 163

up the Lower House to do their Duty whereupon he imme-
diately denyed that ever he uttered the said Words to this

Ordered that the said Nicholett go to the Lower House &
there acknowledge his Error in his late Sermon preached to
the Lower House in that he medled with Businesses relating

U. H.

merely to the Government & there to Crave the pardon of the
Lord Proprietor the Lieutenant General & the Assembly &
that he bring Certificate under the hand of the Clerk that he
has done it in the face of the whole House

Ordered that Charles Nicholett pay unto John Gittings Clerk
of the Assembly forty shillings or the value thereof in Tobacco
for Fees
Then was returned from the Lower House concerning Mr
Nicholett underneath which was written Mr Nicholett acknowl-
edged in the Lower House as is above written
Robt Carvile Cl.

The Upper House taking notice that Mr Morecraft one of the
Delegates from St Mary's County was walking abroad sent to
him to come into the Upper House & desired to know of him
why he was not attending the Service of the Lower House
Who answered that he was Suspended by reason of an Im-
peachment that was drawing against him in that House

Ordered that a Messenger be sent to the Lower House to
know of them whither they have any Impeachment to prefer
agt the said John Morecroft & if they have any to desire of
them to send it this night into the Upper House that the Lieutt
General & this House may proceed to a speedy Tryal of the
said Morecroft to the Intent that the publick Affairs of this
Province be not retarded
Then came 3 Members from the Lower House & presented
these following Papers against Mr Morecroft viz

17th April 1669

Thomas Emerson sworn as a Witness in the Lower House
of Assembly to prove the second Article of the Paper
of Impeachmt exhibited into this House by Robert Morris
against Jno Morecroft Gent, a member of this House deposeth
& saith That Mr Tilghman did Speak to Mr Morecroft touch-
ing a Cause to be depending between this Deponent & Mr
Richard Preston
Thereupon Mr Morecroft asked this Deponent what he
would give & he this Deponent desired the said Mr Morecroft
to make his Demands Who Answered You must give me Lb

p. 134

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 163   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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