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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 162   View pdf image
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162 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

U. H.

Plaintiff & Thos Manning Defendt there hath manifest Error
intervened to the great Damage of the said Defend? We
willing that the said Error (if any be) be in due manner Cor-
rected & that full & speedy Justice be in this behalf done to
the said Defendt do Command You that if any Judgment be
given You do upon the 13th day of April Instant send the
Records & Proceedings of the same plaint with all things there-
unto belonging to Us & our Council in the Upper House of
a General Assembly to be then held at our City of St Marys,
that our Court of General Assembly may hear the said Record
& Proceedings & the Errors to be then & there assigned &
alledged & do therein as shall be meet & have You there this
Writt Witness ourself at East St Mary's the 10th day of April
in the thirty seventh Year of our Dominion Annoq Domini
To which was Endorsed viz.

The Records & Proceedings with all things thereunto be-
longing in the plaint between Edmund Hinchman Plt & Thos.
Manning Defendt is herewith sent as in the Writt is Com-
Charles Calvert

Then came Daniel Jenifer the Attorny of the said Thomas
Manning & upon the said Writt of Error Enters a Retraxit

Ordered that the Chancellour carry his Lordship's Reasons
for dissassenting to the several Laws this Assembly disassented
to to the Lower house to give them to Understand that the Lieutt
General & this upper House do expect that they immediately
fall upon the publick Business of the Province for which the
Assembly was Called & lay aside all private Business till the
publick be first dispatched, this House being resolved to hear
no private Causes till all publick Business be Ended

The House Adjourned for an hour

Saturday in the Afternoon
Present as before except Mr Trueman

Then was called in Charles Nicholett to answer unto his
seditious Speeches spoken against the Governm? of this Pro-
In answer to which

He saith he was desired by some of the Members to stir up
the Lower House to do their Duty
Whereupon he was ordered by the Lieutenant General &
the whole House to name the Persons that spoke to him to stir

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 162   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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