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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 161   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 161

The House met again Present as before

Then came four Members upon a Message from the Lower
house to desire to know by virtue of what Law the last Levy
was raised, It was answered by the Upper House by Virtue of
a perpetual Law of this Province Entituled an Act concerning
the levying of War within this Province.
Then was presented by the same Persons this following
paper from the Lower House viz.

16th April 1669 By the Lower House.

This House desires of the Upper House to be informed
whither or no there be any Person so quallifyed within this
Province, as to Confirm such Bills as shall be Consented to by
both Houses of this Present Gen! Assembly so far to be Con-
firmed as not to be revoked without the Consent of the Upper
& Lower House
Robert Carville Clk.

To which was Answered

This House in Answer to the paper above mentioned saith
that neither the Lieutenant General nor any other person has
any power or Commission in this Province from his Lordship
to Confirm any Laws made in this Province his Lordship re-
serving that power in his own hands
John Gittings Clk of the Assembly

Then came a Member from the Lower House & desired the
Governr to send the Instrument of his Lordship's disassent to
several Acts To which was answered that they should have
it either this night or in the Morning
Then was sent to the Lower House the Instrument of his
Lordships disassent to several Acts

The House Adjourned till to Morrow Morning
Nine of the Clock

Saturday 17th April 1669. Present as before

Caecilius Absolute Lord & Proprietor of the Provinces of
Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. To our
dear Son Charles Calvert Esqr Lieutenant General & chief
Justice of our said Province Greeting Whereas We are in-
formed that in the Record & Proceedings as also in the giving
of Judgment upon a certain Plaint by our Writt depending
before you & your fellow Justices of our Provincial Court of

U. H.


our sd Province held at St Marys between Edward Hinchman

P. 133

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
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