And every overseer so appointed by the Comrs who shall
Refuse or Neglect the performance of his duty in his charge
shall be fined 2000l of Casked tobacco & every Laborer who
shall refuse or neglect his labour shall be fined 1000l of Casked
tobacco the one halfe of their ffines to be to the Lord Proprs
the other to the Informer or him or them that shall sue for the
same the said Fine or Fines to bee Recovered in any Court of
Record within this Province by Bill plaint or otherwise wherein
noe Essoyne proteccon or wager of lawe to be allowed.
An act Concerning Outlawry
Whereas there hath been no Law in this Province hitherto
prescribing a Rule how or wch way the Cowrts of Judicature
should proceed to Outlawry either in Civell or Criminall mat-
ters, for want whereof Sundry Inhabitants of this Province have
been much Greived The Burgesses now assembled doe there-
fore pray that it may be Enacted, And be it Enacted by the Rt
honoble the Lord Proprietor of this Province by and with the
Assent and approbacon of the vpper and Lower house of this
present Generall assembly That the Lawes of England to
that purpose be allowed and put in Execucon and practise in
this province That is to say if the pson by writt Summoned
appear not vpon the writt of Capias out of the County Courts
that then a writt of Alias be awarded out of the said Courts,
and if no appearance vpon that writt then a writt of Pluris to
issue out of the said Courts, And if the party appeare not vpon
tht writt then a writt of Exigt to issue out of the said Court.
And if such person appeare not vpon that writt of Exig' Then
the Coroner shall out-lawe every such person not appearing (as
is prescribed in this act according as the lawe of England hath
in such Case Provided if thereunto required.
An Act Explaining the Act intituled an Act for
the Must? Mastr Genrlls ffees
Whereas it is found a Reall aggreviance to the Inhabitants
of this Province that all Slaves of what age or Sex whatsoever
& other persons imported into this Province above the age of
10 yeares have been included in the Muster Mastr Generalls
ffees by vertue of an act made at St Maries the 1st of Aprill
one thousand six hundred Sixty two concerning taxable per-
sons which makes no provision for such as ougt to be taxable
to the Muster Mastr Generll Bee it therefore Enacted by the
Rt honoble the Lord Propr by and with the Consent of the
Upper and Lower house of this present Generall Assembly