P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
by and with the assent of the vpper and lower house of this
present Generall assembly that the Clk of the lower howse for
the time being transcribe the said Journall within two months
after the the dissolucon prorogacon or Adjournmt of the said
assbly deliver the same into the Secretarys office vpon the
penalty of 500? pounds of tob. to the Lord Propr and the loss
of his Sallery for his Service in that assembly the said ffine &
forfeiture to be Levied vpon the said Clk by appointmt of the
Leiv' Generall or Governor of this province for the time being
vpon Certificate from the Secretary of this Province for the
tyme being that the said Journall as aforesaid is not by the Clk
of the Lower howse delieered into the Secretary's Office as
aforesaid And be it hereby further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, that the Secretary of this Pro: for the tyme being
shall hereby be enjoyned to examine the Secretary's Office
touching the Purport of this act and make certificate to the
Governor or Leivtennt Generall for the tyme being that thereby
the fine and forfeiture aforesaid may the more duely be Levyed
An act for making high wayes & making the heads of Rivers,
Creekes, Branches and Swamps passable for horse and
Whereas itt is thought Convenient & very much for the
benifitt of the Inhabitants of this province that waies and pathes
be marked, the heads of Rivers, creekes and branches be made
passable Bee it therefore Enacted by the Rt Honoble the Lord
Prope by and with the consent of the vpper and Lower howse
of this present Generall assembly that the Commissrs of each
Co.unty shall once this yeare (vizt) vpon the 20th day of Octo-
ber next ensuing meete together in their Respective Countyes
to consult of what high wayes are most fitt to be made and
cause to be marked out the most Convenient high waies and
pathes through their Countyes as alsoe to make passable for
horse and foote the heads of Rivers Creekes Branches and
Swamps that are most Convenient and neerest adjoyning to
such highwaies or necessary Paths and the said Commissioners
are hereby Impowered to appoint overseers, Leavy tobacco or
Labour equally to be assessed vpon the taxables of each
Respective County to carry on the said work to begin some
time this present yeare and to be finished the last of March
1668. Provided that this act shall not be to the apparent
damage of any perticuler person by makeing or marking any
high way or path through his Yard, Garden, Orchard or Corne-
feild and upon neglect of the said Commissrs for appoynting
Overseeres and providing Labourers for the performance of
the said works they shall be fined 4000l of Casked tobacco