136 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1666.
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
that noe slave what soeur nor any other person under the age
of sixteene yeares or above the age of 60ty or impotent shall
be accounted Taxable to the Muster Master generall any Law
Customs or Usage to the contrary hereof not wthstanding And
that the Sherriff of each Respective County shall once every
yeare in time convenient take an Accompt of all such persons
taxable persons to the Muster Master & signify the same to
the Governor and Councell And if the said sherriff shall neg-
lect to give a true accompt according to the true intent of this
act he the sayd sherriff shall be fined 1000l of Tobacco and
Caske the one halfe to the Lord Propr the other halfe to the
Informer or him or them that shall Sue for the same in any
Court of Record within this Province to be Recovered by bill
plaint or Informacon wherein noe Essoyne protection or wager
of Lawe to be allowed.
An Act for the Impowering the Governor &
Councell to make warr or Peace wth any
Indian Enemy beyond the bounds of this
Whereas by the Incursions of Forreigne Indians divers of
the Inhabitants have been murthered and many more Suffered
great Damage in their Estates to the greate Greviance of the
whole Province and disturbance to his Lops Peace and the same
lykely to continue if speedy Course be not taken for the
prevencon Thereof Bee it therefore Enacted by the Rt
honoble the Lord Propr by and with the assent of the
vpper and Lower house of this present Generall Assembly
that the Governor and Councll for the tyme being from
and after the Publicacon of this Act be Impowered for the
Raysing of men Armes Ammunicons and other necessary
accomodacons for the Mannaging of a Warr with any Indian
Enemy without the bounds of this Province for the Space of
two yeares only and no longer As alsoe for the concluding
peace with any Indians according as they shall find most safe
and convenient for the Inhabitants of this province during the
said tyme any lawe vsage or Custom to the contrary hereof in
any wise notwithstanding Bee it also further Enacted by the
authority aforesaid that the Governor and Councell are here-
by impowered to Levy by equall proporcon vpon every taxable
person Such Sume or Sumes of tobacco as shall necesaryly
arise for the managing of the said Warr or concluding peace
as aforesaid.