Archives of Maryland
Historical List
Baltimore County
County Executives

1956-1958  Michael J. Birmingham (D)
1958-1962  Christian H. Kahl (D)
1962-1966  Spiro T. Agnew (R)
1966-1974  Dale Anderson (D)
1974  Frederick L. Dewberry (D) (acting county executive)
1974-1978  Theodore G. Venetoulis (D)
1978-1986  Donald P. Hutchinson (D)
1986-1990  Dennis F. Rasmussen (D)
1990-1994  Roger B. Hayden (R)
1994-2002  C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger III (D)
2002-2010  James T. Smith, Jr. (D)
2010-2018  Kevin B. Kamenetz (D)1
2018 Donald I. Mohler III (D)2
2018-2025 John A. Olszewski, Jr. (D)3
2025-present Katherine A. Klausmeier (D)4

1. Kamenetz died May 10, 2018. County Administrative Officer Frederick J. Homan became acting county executive until the county council named someone to serve the remainder of Kamenetz's term.
2. Mohler was selected by the Baltimore County Council to serve the remainder of Kamenetz's term. He was sworn into office on May 29, 2018.
3. Olszewski resigned January 3, 2025, upon taking his seat in the U.S House of Representatives. D’Andrea L. Walker became acting county executive until the county council named someone to serve the remainder of Olszewski's term.
4. Klausmeier was selected by the Baltimore County Council to serve the remainder of Olszewski's term. She was sworn into office on January 7, 2025.

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