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[photo, James T. Smith, Jr., Maryland Secretary of Transportation] JAMES T. SMITH, JR., Esq.
Secretary of Transportation, 2013-15
Acting Secretary of Transportation, 2013

Secretary of Transportation, July 2, 2013 to January 21, 2015. Acting Secretary of Transportation, June 10, 2013 to July 2, 2013. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2013-15; Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs, 2013-15; Maryland Subcabinet for Public-Private Partnerships, 2013-15; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2013-15. Chair, Maryland Aviation Commission, 2013-15; Maryland Port Commission, 2013-15; Maryland Transportation Authority, 2013-15; Executive Committee, Transportation Enhancements Program, 2013-15. Co-Chair, Executive Committee for Dredged Material Management Plans, 2013-15.

James T. Smith, Jr., Secretary of Transportation, June 2013. Photo by Richard Lippenholz.

Member, Interagency Committee on Aging Services, 2013-15; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 2013-15; Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, 2013-15; Maryland Botanical Heritage Work Group, 2013-14; Capital Debt Affordability Committee, 2013-15; Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee, 2013-15, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; Climate Change Commission, 2013-15; Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays, 2013-15; Commission on State Debt, 2013-15; Interagency Disabilities Board, 2013-15; Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2013-15; Maryland Economic Development Corporation, 2013-15; Maryland Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council, 2013-15; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2013-15; Maryland Green Building Council, 2013-15; Maryland Green Purchasing Committee, 2013-15; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 2013-15; Maryland Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 2013-15; Governor's Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2013-14; State Coordinating Committee for Human Services Transportation, 2013-15; Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee, 2013-15; Maryland Integrated Map Executive Committee, 2013-15; Invasive Plants Advisory Committee, 2013-15; Maryland Military Installation Council, 2013-15; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 2013-15; Patuxent River Commission, 2013-15; Procurement Advisory Council, 2013-15; Maryland Smart Growth Investment Fund Work Group, 2013-14; Interagency Committee on Specialized Transportation, 2013-15; State Center Executive Committee, 2013-15; Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, 2013-15; Local and Regional Transportation Funding Task Force, 2013; Transportation Professional Services Selection Board, 2013-15; Maryland War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission, 2013-15 (transportation & capital infrastructure advisory committee); Washington Suburban Transit Commission, 2013-15; Coast Smart Council, 2014-15; Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2014-15; Statewide Interoperability Radio Control Board, 2014-15; Council on Open Data, 2014-15. Chair, Central Maryland Transit Study Group, 2014.

Deputy Public Defender, District 8, Baltimore County, 1973-77.

Member, County Council, Baltimore County, 1978-85 (chair, 1982, 1985). Chair, Charter Review Commission, Baltimore County, 1989-90.

Associate Judge, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, November 25, 1985 to September 6, 2001. Resigned September 6, 2001. President, Maryland Circuit Judges Association, 1993-95. Chair, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1995-96 (vice-chair, 1994-95). Member, Family and Domestic Relations Law Committee, 1997-99, and Public Awareness Committee, 1999-2001, Maryland Judicial Conference.

County Executive, Baltimore County, December 2, 2002 to December 6, 2010. Member, Advisory Council for Port Land-Use Development, 2002-05. Board of Visitors, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Medical System, 2002-. Member, Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, 2002-10 (chair, 2010); Fort George G. Meade Regional Growth Management Committee, 2007-10; Local Government Subcommittee, Base Realignment and Closure Subcabinet, 2007-10. Chair, Board of Directors, Baltimore Metropolitan Council, 2010 (member, 2002-10; vice-chair, 2004; chair, 2005).

Member, Task Force on the Membership and Operation of the Baltimore County Board of Education, 2011; Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission, 3rd Commission District (Baltimore County), 2011-15; Maryland Chapter, Campaign to Fix the Debt, 2012-. Board of Directors, University of Maryland Medical System Corporation, 2012-19.

Chief of Strategic Alliances, Office of Mayor, Baltimore City, 2016-19. Member, Maryland Stadium Authority, 2017-19.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, February 8, 1942. Attended Loyola Blakefield High School, Towson, Maryland; Wheeling Jesuit College, B.A., 1964; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1968. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1968. Law practice, Smith, Johns & Smith, P.A., 1968-85. Of Counsel, Smith, Gildea & Schmidt, 2011-13, 2015-16. Executive in Residence, Schaefer Center for Public Policy, University of Baltimore, 2015-. Vice-Chair, Baltimore County Community College Task Force, 1976. Founder, organizer, Reisterstown-Owings Mills-Glyndon (R.O.G.) Coordinating Council. Board of Governors, Hannah Moore Center School, 1986-99; St. Thomas Moore Society, 1989. Member, J. Dudley Digges Inn of Court, 1988- (president, 1992). Board of Trustees, Maryland Historical Society, 2002-; Walters Art Museum, 2002-. Board of Directors, Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore, 2002-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2004. Board of Directors, Maryland Association of Counties, 2009-10 (1st vice-president, 2007; president, 2008). Board of Directors, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, 2011-; World Trade Center Institute, 2013-. Member, 4th District Democratic Club; Knights of Columbus Council no. 5208, Glyndon. Former member, Reisterstown Revitalization Study Task Force; Employment Steering Committee, National Association of Counties; Hathaway Improvement Association; Reisterstown Jaycees (past president); Reisterstown Area Recreation Council. Outstanding Young Man of Reisterstown, 1974. Chosen one of five Outstanding Young Marylanders by Maryland Jaycees, 1975 (JCI Senator, 1979). One of Eighty to Watch, Baltimore Magazine, 1980. Distinguished Alumnus Award, Wheeling Jesuit College, 1987. Man for All Seasons, St. Thomas More Society of Maryland, 1995. Man of the Year, Local 37, International Union of Operating Engineers, 2003. County Courthouse Award for renaissance redevelopment program for county's older communities, National Association of Counties, 2006. Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2011. Member, Sacred Heart Church Parish Council, 1991-95 (chair, 1993-95). Married; four children, twelve grandchildren.

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