Member, Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission, Montgomery County, 2022-; Human Trafficking Prevention Committee, Montgomery County, 2022-; Board of Social Services, Montgomery County, 2022-.
Member, Task Force to Ensure the Safety of Judicial Facilities, 2023-.
Former Assistant Attorney General. Past memeber, Youth and Families Subcommittee, Commission to Study Mental and Behavioral Health.
Born in Trenton, New Jersey, December 21, 1973. Attended Williamstown High School, Williamstown, New Jersey; University of Pennsylvania, B.A. (english), 1996; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 2000. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2000. Vice-President, Board of Directors, Opera Baltimore. Secretary, Graduate Club Board of Directors, University of Pennsylvania Glee Club. Past member, Board of Directors, Olney Theatre Center. Transformation Theater, LLC; Bruce Montgomery Foundation for the Arts. Service Award, Maryland Center for School Safety, 2017. Married; four children.
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