Member, Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2004-15; Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Baltimore City, 2010-; Behavioral Health Advisory Council, 2015-24.
Assistant Public Defender, 1978-79, and Chief Attorney, Mental Health Division, 1979-98, Office of Public Defender. Member, Governor's Task Force to Review the Defense of Insanity, 1983-84; Commission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1996-97.
Born October 10, 1949, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Attended Central Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; The Johns Hopkins University, B.A., 1971; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1976. Law clerk to Judge Robert L. Karwacki, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1976-77. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1977. Member, Federal Bar Association; District of Columbia Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association (criminal law & practice section; criminal law & practice section council, 1990, chair, 1996); Baltimore City Bar Association. Board of Directors, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association, 1990-98. Adjunct Professor, University of Baltimore School of Law, 1994-. Presidential Award, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association, 1993, 1998. Robert C. Heeney Award, Criminal Law Section, Maryland State Bar Association, 2013. Legal Excellence Award for the Advancement of the Rights of the Disadvantaged, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2018.
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