Deputy State Prosecutor, 2020-22.
Assistant State’s Attorney, Office of State’s Attorney, Baltimore City, 2001-20 (senior prosecutor, homicide division; chief, crime strategies unit, 2015; chief, gun violence enforcement unit, 2016-19).
Grinnell College, B.A. (religious studies), 1986. Served in U.S. Peace Corps, Republic of Fiji Islands, 1988-90. Served in U.S. Army, 1991-2022 (colonel, civil affairs; legion of merit; 2 bronze stars; french national defense–silver; combat action badge). Fellow (public policy), Coro Foundation–St. Louis, 1992-93; Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, M.Div., 1994; University of Pittsburgh, M.A. (public administration), 1995; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 2000; U.S. Army War College, M.A. (strategic studies), 2018. Law clerk to Judge John C. Byrnes, Baltimore City Circuit Court. Board of Governors, Maryland State Bar Association. Past president, Baltimore City Bar Association. Member, Serjeants Inn (past president); Barristers Law Club. Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2009. Brig. Gen. Philip Sherman Award, Veterans and Military Law Section, Maryland State Bar Association, 2014.
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