Member, Maryland State Council for Adult Offender Supervision, 2023-.
Division Director, Program Development, Child Support Administration, Department of Human Services, 2016-18.
Senior Assistant State's Attorney, Carroll County, 2001-15.
Member, Commission for Women, Howard County, 1993-95 (legislative committee).
Born in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, 1968. Howard Community College, A.A. (general studies), 1992; University of Baltimore, B.A. (jurisprudence), 1994; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1997. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1998. Associate, Kremer & Udoff, P.C., 1998-2000; Silverstein & Ostovitz, LLC, 2000-01. Sole practitioner, 2015-16. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Carroll County Bar Association, 2004-; Baltimore and Carroll Chapter, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2011- (executive board, 2011-12, 2014-; treasurer, 2023; vice-president, 2024; president, 2025). Member, American Association for Justice, 1997-2025; Maryland State's Attorneys' Association, 2001-15 (past chair, domestic violence subcommittee; past member, legislative committee). Member, Executive Committee, Maryland Circuit Court Judges' Association, 2024-. Certificate of Outstanding Support for "Achievement Counts", Maryland Business Roundtable for Education, 2003. Certificate for Outstanding Service to Victims of Crime, State's Attorney's Office, Carroll County, 2003.
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