Herbert R. O'Conor State Office Building, 201 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, December 2000 (on right is 301 West Preston St.). Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Teanika Hoffman; Rosalyn Stewart. Terms expire 2024.
Francine S. Baker; R. Lorraine Brown; Bonita C. Coe, M.D.; Jason Fixler, M.D.; Vinal Menon, Ph.D.; Lydia Harley Pecker, M.D.; Derek A. Robertson; Paul Williams, Jr.; Rudolph Williams. Terms expire 2026.
Staff: Barbara A. Balazek
In October 2007, the Statewide Steering Committee on Services for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease was formed by the General Assembly (Chapter 435, Acts of 2007). It reformed as the Statewide Steering Committee on Sickle Cell Disease in July 2022 (Chapter 279, Acts of 2022; Code Health-General Article, sec. 18-506).
The Committee is charged with educating those with sickle cell disease, health care providers, and the public about State care and treatment. For that purpose, the Committee establishes partnerships with institutions and communities, as well as a statewide network of service providers for adults with sickle cell disease. Moreover, to implement or support its recommendations for action studies, policy, regulations, or laws, the Committee identifies funding sources, both private and from State, federal or local governments.
In consultation with the Committee, the Maryland Department of Health may provide some services relating to sickle cell disease. These include educational programs; social services support; testing; genetic counseling; assistance with reimbursement for medical expenses; education and counseling services for parents of newborns with the sickle cell trait; and any other services that decrease the use of acute care services by persons with sickle cell disease (Chapter 452, Acts of 2019).
From May 2009 to July 2019, the Committee did not meet. It was reactivated by the General Assembly in June 2019 (Chapter 452, Acts of 2019).
Appointed to two-year terms by the Secretary of Health, thirteen members constitute the Committee (Code Health-General Article, secs. 18-501 through 18-509).
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