Christopher D. Kearney, M.D., Chair (chosen by Governor), 2024

Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Shahid Aziz, M.D., 2021.

Elena Sallitto, Esq.; M. Jane Markley, R.N.; Christine Snook Watts, R.N., Alan D. Eason, Esq. Terms expire 2022.

Rabbi Steven M. Glazer; Susan K. Lyons. Terms expire 2023.

Tiffany Callender Erbelding; Donald F. D'Aquila, Pharm.D.; Sara Hufstader. Terms expire 2024.

Margaret (Peggy) A. Funk; Gail S. Mansell. Terms expire 2025.

Nicole Lopez de Victoria. Term expires 2026.

three vacancies

Appointed by Senate President: Arthur C. Ellis

Appointed by House Speaker: one vacancy

Ex officio: Paul J. Ballard, designee of Attorney General; Stevanne A. Ellis, designee of Secretary of Aging; vacancy, designee of Secretary of Disabilities; Nilesh Kalyanaraman, M.D., designee of Secretary of Health.

Staff: Kathleen M. Todd

[photo, 300 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland] c/o Office of Assistant Attorney General
Maryland Department of Health
300 West Preston St., Suite 302, Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 767-1864

300 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

The State Advisory Council on Serious Illness Care originated in December 2002, when the General Assembly created the State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life (Chapter 265, Acts of 2002). The Council was reformed by the General Assembly in October 2008 (Chapters 562 & 563, Acts of 2008). In October 2024, the General Assembly renamed it as the State Advisory Council on Serious Illness Care (Chapter 915, Acts of 2024).

On changes in laws related to the provision of care at the end of life, the Council advises the General Assembly. To the Attorney General's Office, the Department of Aging, the Maryland Department of Health, and other agencies of State government, the Council provides advice with respect to their activities affecting the provision of care at the end of life.

The impact of State laws, regulations, and policies on the care provided to the dying are studied and reported by the Council. In addition, the Council monitors trends in the provision of care to patients with fatal illnesses, and participates in public and professional educational efforts concerned with the care of the dying.

Twenty-three members compose the Council. Of these, seventeen are appointed by the Governor; one is chosen by the Senate President; one is named by the House Speaker. Four serve ex officio (Code Health-General Article, secs. 13-1601 through 13-1604).

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