[photo, 45 Calvert St., Annapolis, Maryland] Chair: Helene T. Grady, Secretary of Budget & Management

Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Robert B. Malone; Gail W. Owings; Saundra O. Washington; Kathryn G. Dilley, 2026; Nancy L. Easterling, 2026.

Appointed by Senate President: Irene Tai, 2028

Appointed by House Speaker: John Brothers

Representing Maryland Association of Counties: Diane L. Fouche

Representing Maryland Municipal League: Jesse E. Buggs, Jr.

45 Calvert St., Annapolis, Maryland, July 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Ex officio: Anthony G. Brown, Attorney General; Brooke E. Lierman, Comptroller of Maryland; Dereck E. Davis, State Treasurer; Kevin M. Atticks, Secretary of Agriculture; Selena C. McIlwain, Secretary of the Environment; Lisa S. Anderson, designee of Secretary of Health; Jacob R. Day, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Rafael J. Lopez, Secretary of Human Services; Joshua E. Kurtz, Secretary of Natural Resources; Carey M. Wright, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Matthew C. Zimmerman, Chief Procurement Officer; Catherine J. (Cassie) Motz, Esq., Chair, Maryland Higher Education Commission; Paul G. Pinsky, Director, Maryland Energy Administration; Dorothy J. Lennig, Esq., Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Prevention & Policy.

Staff: Raquel Guillory Coombs

c/o Office of Secretary, Department of Budget & Management
45 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1907
(410) 260-7026

Report to General Assembly & Dept. of Budget & Management due July 1, 2027 (Chapters 484 & 485, Acts of 2020; (Chapters 28 & 29, Acts of 2024).

In July 2020, the Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapters 484 & 485, Acts of 2020) Its membership was reconstituted in July 2024 (Chapters 28 & 29, Acts of 2024).

For State use in grant-making, the Council considers how to adapt certain parts of the federal Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (uniform guidance), with any necessary modifications. The uniform guidance is meant to simplify administration for grant recipients and help prevent waste and fraud. To these ends, creating uniform grant application forms, financial controls, and reporting requirements is studied by the Council along with uniform performance progress reporting requirements.

The Council recommends to the Department of Budget and Management timeframes and deadlines for creating and adopting uniform application forms, deadlines for their use and implementation, and deadlines for grant-making entities to administer State and federal grants in accordance with the uniform guidance.

To interpret policy requirements and ensure effective implementation of uniform guidance, the Department of Budget and Management provides technical assistance to the Council.

Twenty-four members constitute the Council. The Secretary of Budget and Management serves as Chair (Chapters 28 & 29, Acts of 2024).

Authorization for the Council ends June 30, 2029.

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