Appointed by Senate President: Latosha Frink-Harrison; Matthew D. Gallagher.
Appointed by House Speaker: Lester Davis; Michael Whitson.
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2006. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
c/o Office of Policy Analysis, Dept. of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5510, (301) 970-5510; fax: (410) 946-5529, (301) 970-5529
The General Assembly Compensation Commission was authorized in 1970 by Constitutional amendment (Chapter 576, Acts of 1970, ratified November 3, 1970). Every four years, the Commission reviews and proposes by resolution any changes to the compensation and allowances due members of the General Assembly. The Legislature may reduce but not increase the amounts proposed. If the Legislature takes no action on the resolution, it becomes law.
For the period 2010 through 2014, the annual salary of a legislator was $43,500. The 2010 salary for the Senate President and the House Speaker was $56,500.
In January 2014, the Commission introduced its resolution to the General Assembly recommending salary increases for the legislative terms from 2015 through 2018. Salaries for legislators increased each year from $45,207 in 2015 to $50,330 in 2018; for the Senate President and House Speaker, from $58,718 to $65,371.
For the period 2019 through 2023, General Assembly annual salaries will remain at the 2018 level.
The Commission consists of nine members who serve four-year terms. Five members are appointed by the Governor, two by the Senate President, and two by the House Speaker. Officers and employees of the State or local governments are not eligible for appointment (Const., Art. III, sec. 15).
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