Deron Lovaas, Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Walter Alfred; Sari Amiel, Esq.; Kelly Bobek; John F. Bowis; Joshua J. Cohen; David Edmondson; Nina Forsythe; Marcel H. Heuver; Jolene Ivey; Amanda S. Janaskie; Ronald Kaltenbaugh; Hyeon-Shic Shin, Ph.D.; Paul Verchinski; Michael A. Wall; Scott R. Wilson; Vincent M. Wynne; Robert Wimmer; Weston Young. Terms expire 2026.

Appointed by Senate President: Clarence K. Lam

Appointed by House Speaker: David V. Fraser-Hidalgo; one vacancy.

[Dept. of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland] Ex officio: Ryan J. Powell, Ph.D., designee of Secretary of Commerce; Timothy S. Shepherd, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Korin Sharp, designee of Secretary of General Services; Bihui Xu, designee of Secretary of Planning; Deron Lovaas, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Diego Lopez, designee of Director, Maryland Energy Administration; Kevin D. Mosier, designee of Executive Director, Public Service Commission; David S. Lapp, Esq., People’s Counsel.

Staff: Virginia Burke

Harry R. Hughes Department of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland, May 2009. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

c/o Office of Planning & Capital Programming, Department of Transportation
P. O. Box 548
Harry R. Hughes Department of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Drive, Hanover, MD 21076 - 0548
(410) 865-1288

Interim Reports to Governor & General Assembly due annually, Dec. 1, 2015 through Dec. 1, 2025 (Chapter 378, Acts of 2015; Chapter 213, Acts of 2019; Chapter 118, Acts of 2020; Chapter 447, Acts of 2024).

Final Report to Governor & General Assembly due June 30, 2026 (Chapter 378, Acts of 2015; Chapter 118, Acts of 2020; Chapter 447, Acts of 2024).

In July 2011, the Maryland Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapters 400 & 401, Acts of 2011). In July 2019, it was renamed the Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (Chapter 213, Acts of 2019).

The Council charge was to formulate an action plan to successfully integrate electric vehicles into the State's transportation network. It developed recommendations to establish a statewide charging infrastructure, including public charging stations, multi-dwelling charging stations, a method for display of price for charging, and promotion of the use of clean energy sources for charging. The Council also was to promote local and regional use of electric vehicles, attract federal funding, and increase consumer interest in electric vehicles. Further, the Council worked to develop policies that support fleet purchases of electric vehicles, and recommended inducements to invest in and own electric vehicles.

On December 1, 2012, the Council submitted a final report to the Governor and General Assembly. The 2012 Final Report included an Action Plan to expand the adoption of Plug-In Electric Vehicles; an Infrastructure Plan to help guide the development of a statewide charging infrastructure network; and various policy and programmatic recommendations.

In 2013, the General Assembly extended authorization for the Council through June 30, 2015 and required additional reports (Chapters 65, Acts of 2013). The first of these newly mandated reports to the Governor and the General Assembly was submitted by the Council on January 1, 2014.

In 2015, the General Assembly re-authorized the Council through June 30, 2020 (Chapter 378, Acts of 2015) and, in March 2020, authorization again was extended to June 30, 2026 (Code Transportation Article, sec. 2-113).

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