Appointed by Governor: Carol L. Fenderson; Deborah C. Flory; Cornelia Bright Gordon; Stephen C. Kensinger; Theressa Lee; Thomas S. Manion; Wendy L. Myers.
Appointed by Senate President: Shelly L. Hettleman
Appointed by House Speaker: Cheryl E. Pasteur
Ex officio: Anthony G. Brown, Attorney General; Carmel Roques, Secretary of Aging; vacancy, Chief, Baltimore City Fire Department; Pamela E. Southall, M.D., Interim Chief Medical Examiner; Gregory R. Sesek, Director, Office of Adult Services, Department of Human Services; Stevanne A. Ellis, State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; Deborah S. Holbrook, Director of Forensic Nursing, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore; Quinton Askew, Executive Director, 2–1–1 Maryland; Lauren Shaivitz, Esq., Executive Director, CHANA.
c/o Office of Secretary, Department of Aging
301 West Preston St., Suite 1007, Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-1102
301 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In July 2023, the Task Force on Preventing and Countering Elder Abuse was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapters 706 & 707, Acts of 2023).
The Task Force charge first is to study existing laws, policies, and practices relating to elder abuse, and crimes committed against older adults; and then make recommendations regarding changes to State law, policy, and practice that would help prevent elder abuse.
Authorization for the Task Force ends June 30, 2025.
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