Kimberly A. Young, 2012; Janet Stiles Fulton, 2015.
Carlton J. Brown; Marla R. Caplon; James A. Cella; Mary Shank Creek; Amanda Rife; James A. Vona. Terms expire 2021.
Matthew E. Iager, M.D., 2027
Cows, Kinder Farm Park, Millersville, Maryland, August 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Cows, Anne Arundel County Fair, Crownsville, Maryland, September 2000. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Robyn Miller (301) 791-4779
Center for Milk & Dairy Product Safety, Maryland Dept. of Health
1360 Marshall St., Hagerstown, MD 21740
Reports |
In July 2006, the Maryland Dairy Industry Oversight and Advisory Council was authorized by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2006.07).
The Council works to improve and sustain the economic viability of Maryland's dairy industry. While encouraging collaboration among the State agencies responsible for regulating the dairy industry, the Council also evaluates the current regulatory structure; potential federal and State regulatory changes; and current quality assurance controls within the industry. Further, the Council identifies barriers to profitability in the dairy industry, and technological changes which will affect the industry.
Annually, the Council recommends strategies to support Maryland's dairy industry.
The Council's fifteen voting members are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor.
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