Ex officio: Maj. Gen. Janeen L. Birckhead, Adjutant General; Adam R. Flasch, Director, Governor's Office of Homeland Security; Pamela E. Sidle, designee of Secretary of Aging; Heather W. Barthel, designee of Secretary of Agriculture; Helene T. Grady, Secretary of Budget & Management; Kimberly A. Mentzell, designee of Secretary of Commerce; Carol A. Beatty, Secretary of Disabilities; Russell J. Strickland, Secretary of Emergency Management; Dewon O. Lawrence, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Atif T. Chaudhry, Secretary of General Services; Matthew Otwell, designee of Secretary of Health; Robert L. Dean, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Rafael J. Lopez, Secretary of Human Services; Katie Olson Savage, Secretary of Information Technology; Vincent N. Schiraldi, Secretary of Juvenile Services; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Joshua E. Kurtz, Secretary of Natural Resources; Theodore (Ted) Cozmo, designee of Secretary of Planning; Stanley L. Lofton, designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; D. Paul Monteiro, Jr., Secretary of Service & Civic Innovation; Tawn M. Gregory, designee of Secretary of State Police; Kenneth W. Hiavacek, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Anthony C. Woods, Secretary of Veterans & Military Families; Michael C. Eismeier, designee of Chancellor, University System of Maryland; Jean J. Brice, designee of Executive Director, Department of Legislative Services.
Representing Administrative Office of the Courts: Robert J. Bruchalski
Nonvoting members:
Appointed by Senate President: Bill Ferguson
Appointed by House Speaker: Nicholaus R. Kipke
Appointed by Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Maryland: Fred S. Hecker
100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland, July 2016. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Meeting quarterly, the Council advises and makes recommendations to the State Chief Information Security Officer on strategy and implementation of cybersecurity initiatives and recommendations. Further, it provides advice and recommendations for building and sustaining the State's capability to identify, mitigate, and detect cybersecurity risk, as well as how to respond to and recover from cybersecurity-related incidents.
Eleven ex officio members constitute the Council. The State Chief Information Security Officer, who heads the Office of Security Management within the Department of Information Technology, chairs the Council (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, secs. 3.5-2A-05, 3.5-2A-06).
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