Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Joseline Castanos, Ph.D.; Johanna M. Dolan; Candace Harris; Kathryn M. Hart, M.D.; Brendel Mitchell; Deneice H. Valentine; Kimberlee D. Watts, Esq. Terms expire 2024.
Joyce N. Harrison, M.D.; Laura Young Kimmel; Dan K. Morhaim, M.D.; Jerica Maria Washington. Terms expire 2028.
Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy
Appointed by House Speaker: Steven C. Johnson
Appointed by Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Maryland: Heather L. Price; Marina L. Sabett
Appointed by Secretary of Health: Andrea Brown; Christina A. Green; Carlos Hardy; Michelle K. Livshin; Vickie L. Walters; Kim Wireman; six vacancies.
Representing county behavioral health advisory councils: Kathryn G. (Katie) Dilley; Timothy W. Santoni; two vacancies.
Ex officio: Mark Tesoro, designee of Secretary of Aging; Katherine I. Gibson, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Kirsten C. Bosak, designee of Secretary of Disabilities; Dayna L. Mayo, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Stephen Ligget-Creel, designee of Secretary of Human Services; Kim Hall, designee of Secretary of Juvenile Services; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Lynda M. Bonieskie, Ph.D, designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Mary L. Gable, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Jody Boone, designee of Assistant State Superintendent, Rehabilitation Services, State Dept. of Education; Carmel M. Martin, Special Secretary, Governor's Office for Children; Usherla DeBerry, Ed.S., Director, Office of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing; Johanna Fabian-Marks, designee of Executive Director, Maryland Health Benefit Exchange; Hannibal Kemerer, designee of Public Defender; vacancy, Executive Director, Maryland Association of Behavioral Health Authorities; Sue Doyle, designee of President, Maryland Association of County Health Officers.
Ex officio (Maryland Department of Health): Helene B. Hornum, designee of Secretary of Health; Alyssa S. Lord, Deputy Secretary, Behavioral Health; Marlana R. Hutchinson, Deputy Secretary, Developmental Disabilities; Ryan B. Moran, Dr.P.H., Deputy Secretary, Health Care Financing & Medicaid Director.
Staff: Greta J. Carter
c/o Division of Planning
Behavioral Health Administration, Maryland Department of Health
Vocational Rehabilitation Building, Spring Grove Hospital Center, 55 Wade Ave., Catonsville, MD 21228
(443) 835-8083
In October 2015, the Behavioral Health Advisory Council was created by the General Assembly within the Governor's Office (Chapter 328, Acts of 2015). The Council replaced both the Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council and the Maryland Advisory Council on Mental Hygiene.
Behavior health concerns a range of health matters, including mental health, substance use disorders, and addictive behaviors.
The Behavioral Health Advisory Council works to enhance behavioral health services statewide. It promotes policy, workforce development, and services that will ensure a system of care that is coordinated and integrates prevention, recovery, and cost-effective strategies. Further, the Council advocates for a culturally comprehensive approach to publicly funded services for prevention, early intervention, and recovery services to support individuals with behavioral health disorders and their families.
The Council consists of at least fifty-three members. Of these, the Governor appoints fourteen members to four-year terms, the Senate President and House Speaker each appoint one member, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland appoints two members, and the Secretary of Health appoints thirteen members. Eighteen members serve ex officio. The Council chooses the Chair (Chapters 41 & 42, Acts of 2024; Code Health-General Article, secs 7.5–301 through 7.5–305).
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