Appointed by Advisory Board to Task Force on the Social Determinants of Health in Baltimore City: Mary L. Washington, Ph.D.; D. Antonio (Tony) Bridges.
Vacancy, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Dennis A. Scott, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Annelle B. Primm, M.D., Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Charles D. Jackson, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Nikolaus (Klaus) H. Philipsen, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Vacancy, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Stacy Smith, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Vacancy, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force Co-Chairs)
Staff: Nancy L. McDowell
School of Nursing, University of Maryland, 655 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Maryland, September 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In July 2018, the Task Force on the Social Determinants of Health in Baltimore City was established by the General Assembly (Chapter 708, Acts of 2018).
The Task Force is to identify and examine those negative social factors that cause hardship for Baltimore City residents; span generations; and are cyclical in nature. For those residents and their communities, the Task Force is to develop and implement solutions that improve those social, material, economic and physical conditions in which the residents live, work, play, and worship, resulting in a thriving, high-quality of life.
Five subcommittees carry out the work of the Task Force. They focus on Civil Unrest and Social Justice; Education; Health and Human Services; Housing; and Workforce Development and Jobs. Each Subcommittee Chair is chosen by the Task Force Co-Chairs.
Members of the Task Force are appointed by the Advisory Board. The President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, chooses the Task Force Co-Chairs.
Authorization for the Task Force ends June 30, 2025.
Appointed by Senate President & House Speaker: two vacancies
Ex officio: Antoinette M. Mugar, Chair, Civil Unrest & Social Justice Subcommittee; Charlotte M. Wood, Ph.D., Chair, Education Subcommittee; Annelle B. Primm, M.D., Chair, Health & Human Services Subcommittee; Nikolaus (Klaus) H. Phillipsen, Chair, Housing Subcommittee; Stacy Smith, Chair, Workforce Development & Jobs Subcommittee.
Created in July 2018, the Advisory Board for the Task Force on the Social Determinants of Health in Baltimore City consists of nine members. These include the Task Force Co-Chairs, its Subcommittee Chairs, and two members of the General Assembly appointed jointly by the Senate President and House Speaker.
The Advisory Board is charged with appointing members to the Task Force, managing its activities, and adopting bylaws or rules to govern Task Force activities.
Authorization for the Advisory Board ends June 30, 2025.
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