[photo, Department of Commerce, World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St, Baltimore, Maryland] Charles G. (Chuck) Tilden III, Chair

Appointed by Senate President: Antonio L. Hayes

Appointed by House Speaker: Stephanie M. Smith

Appointed by Baltimore City Mayor: Eric Dodson; Leland Shelton; Colin D. Tarbert.

Appointed by Greater Baltimore Committee: Mark Anthony Thomas

Appointed by American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees: Edward Brown

Department of Commerce, World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland, November 2009. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Appointed by Maryland Hotel Lodging Association: Onahlea Shimunek

Appointed by Restaurant Association of Maryland: Alex Smith

Appointed by UNITE HERE, Local 7: Tracy Lingo

Ex officio:Justin A. Williams, Esq., designee of Baltimore City Mayor; Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; Holly Arnold, Administrator, Maryland Transit Administration; Benjamin N. Seidel, Chair, Maryland Tourism Development Board; William H. Cole IV, designee of Chair, Maryland Stadium Authority; J. Thomas Sadowski, Jr., Chair, Maryland Economic Development Corporation; Matthew (Mac) Campbell, Executive Director, Baltimore Convention Center; Charles G. (Chuck) Tilden III, Chair, Baltimore Convention & Tourism Board; Al Hutchinson, President & Chief Executive Officer, Visit Baltimore; Shelonda Stokes, President, Downtown Partnership of Baltimore; Ruth Toomey, Executive Director, Maryland Tourism Coalition

Staff: Hannah Fuchs

c/o Office of Tourism & Film
Division of Administration & Technology, Department of Commerce
World Trade Center, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3316
(410) 767-2201

Report to Governor, General Assembly, & Baltimore City Mayor due Dec. 1, 2024 (Chapter 635, Acts of 2024).

In July 2024, the Baltimore Convention and Tourism Redevelopment and Operating Authority Task Force was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapter 635, Acts of 2024).

The Task Force charge is to study the establishment of an entity or strategy to govern, redevelop, revitalize, construct, design, manage, finance, and operate certain State and local real property assets while promoting the Baltimore Convention site and its immediate surrounding area.

For any recommended entity, the Task Force will make recommendations on membership; purpose and function, including its ability to acquire by purchase, gift, or devise any property, franchises, and other interests in the Baltimore Convention site and any offices, parking lots or garages, access roads, hotels, restaurants, railroad sidings, and other structures, improvements, equipment, furnishings, or other property functionally related to and located in the immediate surrounding area of the Baltimore Convention site; and take title to the property in the name of the recommended entity or its designated agent.

Moreover, the Task Force will make recommendations on any recommended entity's ability to determine the character of any renovation, revitalization, or development projects relating to the Baltimore Convention site and the immediate surrounding area (excluding Areas 13, 14, and 15A as designated by the City of Baltimore Inner Harbor Project I Urban Renewal Plan); and enter into any agreements, leases, partnerships, or contracts necessary to renovate, revitalize, maintain, and manage the Baltimore Convention site or any other State or local real property assets identified by the Task Force. Wth regard to the Baltimore Convention site or any other State or local real property assets, the Task Force will consider any recommended entity's ability to fix and collect rates, rentals, fees, and charges for services required to successfully operate; establish rules and regulations for their use; and issue bonds for renovation, revitalization, and ongoing maintenance and management, including operating expenses.

In addition, the Task Force is charged to consider and make recommendations of at least one option that does not include a public–private partnership, and that is not the status quo.

In conducting its study and making recommendations, the Task Force is to consider the findings and recommendations in the Baltimore Convention Industry Benchmark Study previously commissioned by the Baltimore Convention Center.

Authorization for the Task Force ends June 30, 2025.

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