Appointed by Senate President: Alan H. Kittleman
Appointed by House Speaker: Steven R. Schuh
Appointed by Senate President & House Speaker: James L. Doolan; Donna S. Edwards; Diane L. George; George R. Nash, Jr.; Aleksy L. Szachnowicz; Gerard M. Waites.
Ex officio: Alvin C. Collins, Secretary of General Services; Leonard J. Howie III, Secretary of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation; David G. Lever, D.A., Executive Director, Public School Construction Program.
Staff: Michael C. Rubenstein; David A. Smulski.
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 20401
(410) 946-5350, (301) 970-5350
In July 2013, the Task Force to Study the Applicability of the Maryland Prevailing Wage Law was authorized (Chapter 402, Acts of 2013).
The Task Force examined Maryland's prevailing wage law as it applies to school construction projects by comparing contracts paying the prevailing wage with those that do not. Overhead costs associated with wage, licensing and reporting requirements were examined to determine if project quality varies by contract type. In reviewing other State prevailing wage laws, the Task Force considered how local prevailing wage laws compare to them.
The Task Force submitted its report in March 2014.
Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 2014.
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