Appointed by Senate President: Paul D. Corderman; Shelly L. Hettleman.
Appointed by House Speaker: Dalya Attar; M. Courtney Watson.
Appointed by State Superintendent of Schools: Steve Nelson
Appointed by Maryland Association of Boards of Education: Sharicca Bolden; Lynne Harris; Kenny West.
Ex officio: Gabriel D. Rose, Director, Office of Pupil Transportation & Emergency Management; Darryl Clark, designee of Secretary of Transportation
State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland, July 2003. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
c/o Office of Pupil Transportation & Emergency Management
State Department of Education
Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2595
(410) 767-0209
In July 2023, the Task Force to Study Nonpublic Student Bus Transportation was formed by the General Assembly (Chapter 777, Acts of 2023).
The Task Force charge was to collect information from each local board of education and any other relevant county department on nonpublic school student busing programs in the county, other than programs for the transportation of students in special education placements. Data was to include: a description and status of the county program, administrative location, number and percentage of the county’s nonpublic students served by the program; and program funding and its source.
Further, the Task Force evaluated the impact on State revenues and expenditures, traffic congestion, and environmental and safety goals of the adoption of programs used in other states to provide transportation to nonpublic school students or otherwise reduce the use of passenger vehicles for their transport. It consulted with the Comptroller regarding a credit against the State income tax for student bus transportation expenses or other financial support; and considered the use of public school buses during off hours; transport of nonpublic school students in buses along with public school students; and transport of nonpublic school students in separate buses.
The Task Force recommended: methods by which the State could reduce the use of passenger vehicles for the transportation of nonpublic school students; and policies for busing programs for the transportation of nonpublic school students.
Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 2024.
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