Appointed by Governor: Jasmine Adams; Andres A. Alonso, Ed.D.; Dale K. Brown; Thomas J. Busch; Elizabeth Cavey; Ann Geddes; Margaret Hoffmaster; Maria Anne Johnson; Adrianne H. Kaufman, Ed.D.; Carolyn Kimberlin; Walter T. Largent, Jr.; James Linde; Kathleen Lyon; Renee U. McLaughlin; Bianca Pilewski; Cynthia Schulmeyer, Ph.D.; Millie Steinke; Mark S. Thompson; Rhonda Ulmer; Anita Windley-Brunson.
Appointed by Senate President: David C. Harrington
Appointed by House Speaker: Melvin L. Stukes
Ex officio: Charles J. Buckler, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Albert A. Zachik, M.D., designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene.
Staff: Marcia R. Lathroum
Division of Student, Family & School Support, State Dept. of Education
Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-0307
The Task Force to Study Issues Related to Students Subject to Multiple Suspensions was established in June 2008 (Chapter 252, Acts of 2008). The Task Force studied the feasibility of requiring local school systems to establish student services teams to provide case management for students who miss ten or more days of school due to suspension. Also, the fiscal impact of requiring such teams was considered by the Task Force. Further, the Task Force examined the parent/guardian involvement for students subject to multiple suspensions and made recommendations for what parents might do to curb student suspensions. Finally, the Task Force recommended procedures for student services teams, including timelines, parental and guardian participation, and follow-up services.
On December 31, 2008, the Task Force submitted its report to the Governor and General Assembly. Authorization for the Task Force ended May 31, 2009.
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