Chair: Charlene M. Dukes, Ed.D., President, Prince George's Community CollegeAppointed by Prince George's County Executive: Theresa M. Dudley; Antonio Morrell; C. Michael Walls, Esq.; two vacancies
Appointed by Chair, Prince George's County Senate Delegation: James C. Rosapepe
Appointed by Chair, Prince George's County House Delegation: Alonzo T. Washington
Ex officio: Donna E. Thomas, designee of Secretary of Higher Education; Nancy S. Shapiro, Ph.D., designee of Chancellor, University System of Maryland; Karen Johnson Shaheed, Esq., designee of President, Bowie State University; Charlene M. Dukes, Ed.D., President, Prince George's Community College; Dannielle M. Glaros, designee of Chair, Prince George's County Council; Kevin M. Maxwell, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Prince George's County Public School System; Eric C. Brown, Director, Dept. of Housing & Community Development, Prince George's County; Britta E. Vander Linden, designee of President, Economic Development Corporation, Prince George's County; Bernard J. Sadusky, Ed.D., Executive Director, Maryland Association of Community Colleges; David C. Harrington, President, Prince George's Chamber of Commerce; M. H. Jim Estepp, President, Greater Prince George's Business Roundtable.
Staff: Greta R. Martin
c/o Office of President
Prince George's Community College
301 Largo Road, Largo, MD 20772
(301) 546-0402
e-mail: martingr@pgcc.edu
In June 2016, the Task Force to Study a Promise Scholarship Program in Prince George's County formed (Chapter 647, Acts of 2016).
The Task Force was charged with studying the feasibility of creating a Prince George's County Promise Scholarship Program. Such a program would provide scholarships for tuition and mandatory fees not covered by federal or State financial aid to Prince George's County public high school graduates enrolled at Prince George's Community College. The Task Force made recommendations on the feasibility, eligibility requirements, funding sources, and student support services for the Program.
In December 2016, the Task Force submitted its report to the General Assembly and the Prince George's County Executive.
Authorization for the Task Force ended May 31, 2017.
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