Motor Vehicle Administration, 6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, Maryland, October 2002. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Appointed by Governor: R. Bruce Campbell; Howard B. Hall; Larry E. Hinton; Katherine Kelly Howard; Raymond F. Leard; G. Lea Reed; Cornelius W. Scott; Rosemunde Goode Smith.
Appointed by Senate President: Catherine E. Pugh
Appointed by House Speaker: Cheryl D. Glenn
Appointed by Motor Vehicle Administrator: Deborah A. Rogers
Representing Maryland Association of Counties: David Ennis; Richard Truitt
Representing Maryland Municipal League: John Moss; Joseph L. Nagro
Representing Maryland Retailers Association: Jeff Zelmer
Representing Maryland Bankers Association: Steven Gormont
Representing Maryland Automobile Dealers Association: Travis Martz
Representing Apartment & Office Building Association: Lesa N. Hoover, Esq.
Representing Maryland Auto & Truck Recyclers Association: James G. Gosnell, Jr.
Representing American Automobile Association (Maryland Branch): Glenn Yarbrough
Representing Towing & Recovery Professionals of Maryland: Paula M. Protani; Fred Scheler
Staff: Philip A. Dacey
In June 1, 2008, the Task Force to Study Motor-Vehicle Towing Practices was established (Chapter 514, Acts of 2008). The Task Force studied the current State and local laws governing towing practices, storage, and disposal of towed vehicles. It considered whether a State licensure or registration program for the towing industry would be beneficial and cost effective. The Task Force also examined issues relating to notices given by: a private property owner to a motor vehicle owner prior to towing the vehicle; a police department to the vehicle owner, secured party, or insurer of an abandoned vehicle in police custody; and a private tower to the owner, secured party, or insurer of a towed vehicle in the private tower's possession, as well as notice to the local police department. In addition, the Task Force considered State preemption of local authority over towing or removing motor vehicles.
The Task Force reported to the Governor and General Assembly in December 2009. Authorization for the Task Force extended through December 31, 2009 (Chapter 704, Acts of 2009).
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