Appointed by Governor: Gene L. Burner; A. Marie Day, Esq.; Leslie A. McMillan.
Appointed by Senate President: Martin G. Madden
Appointed by House Speaker: Samuel I. Rosenberg
Ex officio: Alvin C. Collins, Secretary of Human Resources; Eugene A. Conti, Jr., Ph.D., Secretary of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation.
Staff: Jewru Bandeh
c/o Office of Work Opportunities
Family Investment Administration
Dept. of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
(410) 767-7978; fax: (410) 333-6699
The Commission on Inadvertent Displacement was authorized by the Governor in June 1997 (Executive Order 01.01.1997.03). The Commission studied whether the Family Investment Program of the Department of Human Resources might cause inadvertent displacement of employees and positions. The Program was formed by the State to promote the economic independence of families. Under the Program, some adults receive Temporary Cash Assistance. By the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Maryland must place recipients of Temporary Cash Assistance in jobs within 24 months (P.L. 104-193).
The Commission submitted its final report to the Governor on March 31, 1998.
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