Cathy F. Mols, Chair (chosen by Governor)Appointed by Governor: Yvette M. Freeman; Cheryl T. Krebeck.
Appointed by Senate President: Richard F. Colburn
Appointed by House Speaker: Rudolph C. Cane; Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio.
Representing Business Economic & Community Outreach Network, Franklin P. Perdue School of Business, Salisbury University: Memo Diriker, Ph.D.
Ex officio: Len N. Foxwell, designee of Comptroller of Maryland; Cathy F. Mols, designee of Secretary of Human Resources; Osvaldina Gomes Daly, Director, Caroline County Dept. of Social Services; Mary Klesius, designee of Director, Cecil County Dept. of Social Services; William D. McDonnell, Director, Dorchester County Dept. of Social Services; Kerry Ahearn-Brown, Director, Kent County Dept. of Social Services; Virginia L. Ingling, Director, Queen Anne's County Dept. of Social Services; Patricia M. Mannion, Director, Somerset County Dept. of Social Services; April A. Sharp, Director, Talbot County Dept. of Social Services; Paula M. Erdie, Director, Wicomico County Dept. of Social Services; Peter Buesgens, Director, Worcester County Dept. of Social Services; Carol L. Cordial, designee of Director, Lower Shore Court-Appointed Special Advocate, Inc.
Staff: Susan P. Coppage
c/o Social Services Administration, Dept. of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
(410) 767-0809; 1-800-332-6347 (toll free); 1-800-732-7850
The Eastern Shore Task Force on Foster Care organized in July 2007 (Chapter 400, Acts of 2007). The Task Force made recommendations to improve the recruitment and retention of foster care parents on the Eastern Shore. It considered what incentives might help in recruiting and retaining foster parents; whether each local department of social services should hire a permanent staff person solely to recruit and provide support for foster parents; and how to fund such staff.
The Task Force submitted an interim report to the Governor and General Assembly in December 2007, and its final report in December 2008. Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 2009.
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