William B. (Bill) Henry, Chair (chosen jointly by Baltimore City Mayor & Baltimore County Executive)

Appointed by Governor: Timothy D. Barr; Jessica D. Medicus.

Appointed by Senate President: Cory V. McCray

Appointed by House Speaker: Dana M. Stein

Appointed by Baltimore City Mayor: Lester Davis; Jason W. Mitchell, Ed.D.; Patrick J. Moran, Ph.D.; Kishia L. Powell.

Appointed by Baltimore County Executive: Lauren T. Buckler; Carla A. Reid; Robert M. Summers, Ph.D.

Appointed by Baltimore Metropolitn Council: Yosef Kebede

[photo, City Hall, 100 North Holliday St., Baltimore, Maryland] Staff:

c/o Office of Mayor
City Hall, Room 250, 100 North Holliday St., Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 396-3835; fax: (410) 576-9425

City Hall, 100 North Holliday St., Baltimore, Maryland, June 2006. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

In April 2023, the Baltimore Regional Water Governance Task Force was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapters 178 & 179, Acts of 2023).

The Task Force charge was to review the Organizational Structure and Governance Models, as well as the Governance Model Examples and Case Reviews of the Water/Sewer Services Comprehensive Business Process Review that was done for Baltimore City and Baltimore County in July 2021.

The Task Force assessed how different regional approaches may improve ongoing operations and maintenance of safe, efficient, equitable, and affordable water and wastewater systems serving the Baltimore region. Evaluation was to cover management; operations; employee recruitment, retention, and training; billing and collections; planning for capital improvements; emergency management; and rate stability for customers. Alternative governance structures for the Baltimore region’s water and wastewater utility were assessed and included frameworks for governance, financing, capital planning, future system capacity expansion, and decision–making processes. Moreover, the Task Force was to analyze the fiscal implications and efficiencies of each alternative governance structure, including estimated short– and long–term costs, 10–year historical costs that both jurisdictions have paid to the utility, and cost–savings associated with systems transitions; asset leases and capital planning; rate restructuring for Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and other wholesale stakeholders; debt consolidation and extension; and staffing and pension liabilities.

Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 2024.

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