Patrick G. McGee, Vice-Chair (chosen by Governor)
Appointed by Governor: Gregory F. Bearstop; Arnold Ross.
Appointed by Senate President: Jennie M. Forehand
Appointed by House Speaker: Kathleen M. Dumais
Appointed by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals: Joseph P. Rosenthal
Appointed by Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene: David Ennis
Appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services: Patrick G. McGee
Appointed by Secretary of State Police: Lt. Thomas Woodward
Appointed by Secretary of Transportation: John T. Kuo; Neil J. Pedersen
Appointed by Maryland Association of County Health Officers: Roger L. Harrell; Donald Shell, M.D.
Representing Office of Public Defender: Darren V. Douglas, Esq.
Representing Maryland Chiefs of Police Association: William J. McMahon
Representing Maryland Sheriffs' Association: Michael F. McGuigan, Jr.
Representing Maryland State's Attorneys' Association: Joeday Newsom
Staff: Liza Aguila-Lemaster
c/o Highway Safety Office, State Highway Administration, Dept. of Transportation
7491 Connelley Drive, Hanover, MD 21076
(410) 787-4076; fax: (410) 787-4020
The Maryland Alcohol Safety Action Program Committee was formed by the Governor in December 2009 (Executive Order 01.01.2009.18). The Committee considered and determined how to structure the Maryland Alcohol Safety Action Program. A plan for comprehensively tracking offenders impaired by alcohol through arrest, adjudication, and treatment was to be developed by the Committee, so that the effectiveness of sentencing and treatment could be evaluated.
The Committee made recommendations on how to fund the Program using fees charged to offenders instead of tax dollars. The Committee also proposed a business plan for the Program to ensure a statewide network of new and existing programs. The network would inform judges of sentencing options; establish criteria for treatment referrals; identify existing resources for education and treatment of offenders, and develop programs where needed; and identify funding sources for training local law enforcement personnel. In addition to the business plan, the Committee also was to devise an implementation plan and draft any necessary legislation.
On December 1, 2010, the Committee submitted its report to the Governor and General Assembly.
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