[photo, World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St, Baltimore, Maryland] BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent to 4-year terms:
Laura M. Van Eperen, Chair (chosen by Board), 2027
Henry P. Fawell, 2024; Leonard R. Raley, 2024; Allyson T. Black Woodson, 2024; Ericka N. Covington, D.B.H., 2025; Capt. Eric A. Nielsen, 2025; Leon C. Bailey, Jr., 2026; Sila Alegret-Bartel, 2027; Brett Foelber, 2027; Shannon Prodhomme, 2027; Linda Thornton Thomas, 2027; Alexandra L. von Paris, 2028; two vacancies.

World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland, November 2009. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Appointed by Senate President (nonvoting): Cheryl C. Kagan

Appointed by House Speaker (nonvoting): Kriselda Valderrama

Ex officio: Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce

Sherri Diehl, Executive Director

c/o Office of Marketing
Division of Administration & Technology, Department of Commerce
World Trade Center Baltimore, 9th floor
401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3316
(410) 767-6272


In October 2015, the Maryland Public-Private Partnership Marketing Corporation was established by the General Assembly (Chapter 141, Acts of 2015).

The Corporation creates a branding strategy for the State, and markets Maryland's assets to out-of-state businesses. Further, public-private partnerships to encourage new businesses to locate and develop in Maryland are fostered by the Corporation, and out-of-state businesses are recruited for the same purposes.

To meet its responsibilities, the Corporation administers the Economic Development Marketing Fund (Code Economic Development Article, sec. 10-905). The Fund is used to market the State as a place for businesses to locate, retain, or expand their operations. The Fund consists of monies: appropriated in the State budget to the Fund; made available to the Fund through federal programs or private contributions; derived by the Corporation from the sale of advertising, publications, sponsorships, or other promotional or marketing opportunities; or made available to the Corporation for the Fund.

A seventeen-member Board of Directors governs the Corporation. With Senate advice and consent, the Governor appoints fourteen members. The Senate President and House Speaker each appoint one nonvoting member. The Secretary of Commerce serves ex officio. From among its members, the Board selects its chair (Code Economic Development Article, sec. 10-903).

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