Ex officio: Ryan B. Moran, Dr.P.H., Acting Secretary of Health.
Staff: Sadie A. Peters, M.D.
Herbert R. O'Conor State Office Building (view from Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd.), 201 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2017. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In October 2024, the Pediatric Cancer Research Commission was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapters 924 & 925, Acts of 2024).
The Commission is to develop criteria, standards, and requirements for the review of applications for pediatric cancer research grants from the Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund. To ensure that each application is complete and satisfies the criteria, standards, and requirements developed by the Commission, it will establish procedures and guidelines to be used in the review, evaluation, ranking, and rating of research grant proposals. Further, the Commission will review and develop criteria and a process for reviewing grant applications; and develop disclosure and recusal guidelines to be followed by members of the Commission, when considering grant applications. Moreover, the Comission is to establish standards for the oversight of awards; and conduct progress reviews of grant recipients.
Thirteen members constitute the Commission. Twelve are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor. The Secretary of Health serves as an ex officio member ( code Health-General Article, sec. 20-120).
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