[photo, 100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland] Asma Mirza, Chief Performance Officer
Elizabeth A. Sachs, Director of Government Modernization
Faith M. Champion, Analyst
Nruti N. Desai, Analyst

100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032
(410) 697-9596

100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland, July 2016. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

In 2007, the Governor's Office of Performance Improvement originated as the Governor's StateStat Office. It reorganized in October 2015 under its present name (Executive Order 01.01.2015.26). The Office was established to improve business processes throughout Maryland State government agencies through greater accountability. In May 2016, the Office moved from 45 Calvert Street in Annapolis to its current location in Crownsville, Maryland. In January 2025, the Governor reconstituted the Office to modernize government services through greater accountability and coordination among State government agencies (Executive Order 01.01.2025.08).

The Governor's Office of Performance Improvement is responsible for improving the performance of Maryland government through greater accountability, coordination, and capacity building.

By the Governor's Office of Performance Improvement, the State Comprehensive Plan is to be developed by the Office at the outset of a new gubernatorial administration. A statement of goals, the Plan is a broad directive for improving or making more cost effective State resources and services (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 3-1001). The Plan also will align State programs and services with the Governor's priorities. Further, the Office is to direct State agencies to develop objectives, strategies, key milestones, and/or performance measures to track State Plan implementation. By the Office, State agencies will be held accountable for delivering results, and maintain a data-driven approach to performance improvement and decision-making.

Authorized by the Governor, the Office is to establish a Performance Improvement Council. The Council will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas to enable continuous improvement in the delivery of government services, accountability, and interagency collaboration. It membership will include representatives of State government agencies.

Heading the Office, the Chief Performance Officer is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

Each State agency and department of the Executive Branch is to appoint a performance lead to drive performance improvement at their agency (Executive Order 01.01.2025.08).

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