[photo, Michele J. Guyton, Maryland State Delegate] MICHELE JENKINS GUYTON, Ph.D.
Democrat, District 42B, Baltimore County

Member of House of Delegates since January 9, 2019. Member, Environment and Transportation Committee, 2023- (environment subcommittee, 2023-24; motor vehicle & transportation subcommittee, 2023-; natural resources, agriculture & open space subcommittee, 2025-); Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 2025-. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 2019-22 (education subcommittee, 2019-22; finance resources subcommittee, 2019; racing & gaming subcommittee, 2020; early childhood subcommittee, 2021-22). Member, Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-. Associate member, Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, 2019-20. 1st Vice-President, Women's Legislators of Maryland, 2024- (member, 2019-; 2nd vice-president, 2023-24; chair, childcare committee, 2024-). Member, Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, 2024-.

Member, Maryland Commission on Disabilities, 2020-.

Member, State Board of Education, 2015-19 (chair, mental health committee, 2015-18); P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland (at risk student work group), 2015-18; Innovative School Schedule Work Group, 2017; Maryland Adult Learning Advisory Council, 2017-19; Maryland High School Graduation Task Force, 2018.

Born in Madison, Tennessee, October 19, 1966. Attended Baldwin County High School, Minette, Alabama; Vanderbilt University, B.A. (psychology & anthropology), 1989; Radcliffe College and Brandeis University, joint M.A. (women's studies & psychology), 1992; Brandeis University, Ph.D. (developmental & social psychology), 1996. Developmental psychologist and disabilities advocate. Counselor, Preterm Women's Health Clinic, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992-93. Volunteer crisis counselor, Iowa Sexual Abuse Intervention Program, 1993-95. Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, 1993-96. Program developer for at-risk families, Domestic Violence Center, Iowa City, 1994-99. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, 1995-99. Educational consultant and family educator, Department of Mental Health, Durham County, North Carolina, 2000-02. Chair, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, Tourette Association of America, 2006-. Board of Directors, Kennedy Krieger Institute, 2020-. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2018, 2023. Legislator of the Year, The ARC Maryland, 2021. Married; three children.

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