Member of House of Delegates, January 14, 2015 to January 11, 2023. Member, Economic Matters Committee, 2015-19 (alcoholic beverages subcommittee, 2015-19; business regulation subcommittee, 2015-18; chair, unemployment insurance subcommittee, 2019); Regional Revitalization Work Group, 2015-19; Joint Committee on Workers' Compensation Benefit and Insurance Oversight, 2019; Ways and Means Committee, 2019-23 (elections subcommittee, 2020-23; early childhood subcommittee, 2020-23). Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2015-23; Women Legislators of Maryland, 2015-23; Maryland Military Installation Legislative Caucus, 2017-23; Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-23.
Member, Maryland Cybersecurity Council, 2015-23; Rural Maryland Council, 2015-23; Task Force on Rural Internet, Broadband, Wireless, and Cellular Service, 2017-19.
Member, Bainbridge Development Advisory Board, 2003-09; Cecil/Harford Bridges Work Group, 2006. Chair, Local Government Advisory Committee on the Chesapeake Bay Program, 2008-14. Member, Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, 2010-20 (vice-chair, 2013-20); Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail Advisory Council, 2011-.
Born in Havre de Grace, Maryland, October 27, 1967. Attended Havre de Grace High School, Havre de Grace, Maryland; College of Notre Dame of Maryland, B.A. (political science), 1989; Central Michigan University, M.S. (public administration), 1996. City Manager, Havre de Grace, 1997-2002. President, Maryland Association of City and County Managers, 2001 (vice-president, 2000). Executive Director, Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway, 2002-19. Member, Legislative Committee, Maryland Municipal League, 1998-2002; Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Counties, 2006-14 (education subcommittee, 2011-14). Member, St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Havre de Grace, Maryland.
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