[photo, Ronald N. Young, Maryland State Senator] RONALD N. YOUNG
Democrat, District 3, Frederick County

Member of Senate, January 12, 2011 to January 11, 2023. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee, 2021-23 (health & human services subcommittee, 2021-23); Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2015-23. Senate Chair, Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, 2016-23 (member, 2011-23). Chair, Executive Nominations Committee, 2019-23. Member, Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 2020-23; Senate Vaccine Oversight Work Group, 2021-22; Legislative Policy Committee, 2021-23. Member, Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, 2011-19 (environment subcommittee, 2011-14; labor, licensing, & regulation subcommittee, 2011-14; alcoholic beverages subcommittee, 2012-14; education subcommittee, 2015-19; chair, comptroller issues subcommittee, 2015-18; chair, environment subcommittee, 2019); Death with Dignity Work Group, 2015; Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2020. Vice-Chair, Frederick County Delegation, 2016 (chair, 2015). Member, Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2011-23; Maryland Military Installation Legislative Caucus, 2017-23; Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-23; Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, 2021-23. Associate member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2017-23. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (natural resources & infrastructure committee, formerly environmental committee, 2011-23).

Member, Governor's Advisory Commission on Maryland Wine and Grape Growing, 2011-22; Financial Education and Capability Commission, 2012-23; State Advisory Council on Hereditary and Congenital Disorders, 2015-19; Reform-on-Tap Task Force, Office of Comptroller of Maryland, 2017; Complete Streets Program Regulations Work Group, 2018-20; Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, 2019; Maryland State Arts Council, 2019-23.

Board of Alderman, City of Frederick, 1970-74. Mayor, City of Frederick, 1974-90.

Deputy Secretary, Department of Planning, 1991-95. Deputy Secretary, Department of Natural Resources, 1995-96. Deputy Secretary, Department of Planning, 1996-2002. Past member, Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission; Patuxent River Commission (past vice-chair); Power Plant Research Advisory Committee; Forum for Rural Maryland; Rural Legacy Board.

Born in Frederick, Maryland, October 19, 1940. Attended Frederick High School, Frederick, Maryland; Frederick Community College, A.A., 1962; University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (history & government), 1967; Western Maryland College (now McDaniel College), M.Ed., 1970. Teacher, Frederick County public schools, 1967-73. Consultant, commercial real estate, and college instructor, 1990-91. Newspaper columnist, Frederick, 1990-98. Town Manager, Town of Indian Head, 2001-05. Consultant, commercial real estate sales, 2005-. President, East Frederick Rising, 2006-. Board of Directors, Goodwill Industries, 2006-10. Advisory Board, Maryland Shakespeare Theater, 2008-. Member, Urban Land Institute; American Planning Association; Chesapeake Bay Foundation; 1000 Friends of Maryland; U.S. Tennis Association; Lodge no. 684, Fraternal Order of Elks, Frederick, Maryland; Fraternal Order of Owls; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Francis Scott Key Post no. 11, American Legion, Frederick, Maryland. Past president, Frederick Arts Council; Delaplaine Visual Arts Center; Frederick Festival of the Arts. Past trustee, Maryland Art Place. Past member, Board of Directors, Way Station. Distinguished Alumnus Award, Frederick Community College, 1987. Livability Award for support of the arts, U.S. Conference of Mayors, 1988. Smart Growth Hero, 1000 Friends of Maryland, 2014. First Citizen Award, Maryland Senate, 2022. Oustanding Public Official Award, Governor's Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2022. Married; five children; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren.

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