[photo, Richard F. Colburn, State Senator] RICHARD F. COLBURN (1950-2024)
Republican, District 37, Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot & Wicomico Counties

Member of Senate, January 11, 1995 to January 14, 2015. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1995-2003; Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas, 1995-2003; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1996-2015; Executive Nominations Committee, 1999-2003, 2008-15; Special Committee on Substance Abuse, 2001-03; Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, 2003-10 (education subcommittee, 2003-04; environment subcommittee, 2003-06, 2008-10; licensing & regulatory affairs subcommittee, 2003-04, chair, alcoholic beverages subcommittee, 2007-10, member, 2003-04); Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area, 2003-15; Senate Special Commission on Medical Malpractice Liability Insurance, 2004; Agricultural Stewardship Commission, 2005-06; Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 2007-09; Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services, 2011; Senate Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting, 2011-12; Budget and Taxation Committee, 2011-15 (capital budget subcommittee, 2011-15; public safety, transportation & environment subcommittee, 2011-15); Rules Committee, 2011-15; Legislative Policy Committee, 2011-15. Senate Chair, Eastern Shore Delegation, 1999-2015. Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2001-15; Maryland Rural Caucus, 2002-15; Taxpayers Protection Caucus, 2003-15; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2004-15. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (environment committee); Southern Legislative Conference (agriculture & rural development committee, 2008-15).

Member, Commission to Review Landlord-Tenant Laws, 1998; Shore Erosion Task Force, 1999-2000; Governor's Task Force on Eastern Shore Economic Development, 1999-2001; Study Panel on Funding Needs of Trauma Centers, 2001-03; Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2001-15 (executive board, 2014); Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland, 2001-15; Task Force to Study the Economic Development of the Maryland Seafood and Aquaculture Industries, 2002-03 (executive committee; seafood industry work group); Poultry Issues Action Team, 2003; Governor's Wellmobile Program Advisory Board, 2003-06; Rural Maryland Council, 2004-15; Oversight Committee on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities, 2005-15; Incentives for Agriculture Task Force, 2006-07; Eastern Shore Task Force on Foster Care, 2007-08; Oyster Advisory Commission, 2007-15; Task Force on the Future for Growth and Development in Maryland, 2009-10; Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, 2010; Joint Legislative and Executive Commission on Oversight of Public/Private Partnerships, 2011-12.

Member, House of Delegates, representing District 37 (Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot & Wicomico Counties), 1983-91. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee, 1983-86; Environmental Matters Committee, 1987-91.

Chair, Committee to Promote Employment of the Handicapped, Dorchester County, 1981. Member, Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, 1984-90.

Town Manager, Federalsburg, 1991-2015.

Administrator, Department of Agriculture, 2015-22.

Born in Easton, Maryland, February 9, 1950. Attended Easton High School, Easton, Maryland; Chesapeake College, A.A., 1982. Served in U.S. Army Security Agency, sergeant, 1969-72 (top secret clearance); good conduct medal. Produce manager and checker, A&P grocery. Member, Dorchester County Republican State Central Committee, 1979-82. Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 1988. Board of Directors, Maryland Rural Water Association, 1992 (past vice-president). President, Board of Directors, People for Better Housing, 1993. President, Board of Directors, Maryland Rural Development Corporation, 2006. Member, Dorchester American Legion Post no. 91; Federalsburg Veterans of Foreign Wars; Cambridge B.P.O. Elks Lodge no. 1272. Social Science Award, Chesapeake College, 1980; Social Science Award, Eastern Community College, 1981. Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland Municipal League, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 2010. Outstanding Rural Health Legislator, Maryland Rural Health Association, 2011. Member, Zion United Methodist Church, Cambridge, Maryland. Married; one daughter, one granddaughter. Died in Easton, Maryland, December 27, 2024.

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